Thursday, November 21, 2013

Name for Baby #2 Will Be ...

Choosing a Name

We have chosen a name for baby #2 ...

James Gentry Parsons

Just like with John's name, James is a family name. "James" is Holly's dad's middle name and "Gentry" is Holly's maiden name. We like that both boys will have their grandfather's middle names as their first names. Also, both boys have strong, manly names! 

At first we were between James and Luke. Jay mentioned Luke during the first trimester and we both liked the name, but ultimately settled on James because it was both a family name and we liked it. 

James has significance on both sides of the family:
Holly's Dad's middle name
Holly's great-grandfather's name
Jay's great-grandfather's name

We cannot wait to meet James ... 13 days and counting!

John - 16 Months

John at 16 Months

John weighs about 31 pounds.
He uses the signs "more", "love", "thank you" and says "yes" and "dada" very clearly.
John is getting a big personality and very opinionated about what he wants, when he wants it.
He loves to play outside and play basketball.
Still loves to read and loves music.
He has his daily routines and does not like to stray from those routines.
When we ask where baby James is, he will point to Mommy's stomach and then to his stomach.
 He has had an ear infection since September that we cannot seem to clear up. However, he is still a very happy boy. We go to the ENT on 11/22/13 to see if John will need tubes.
John loves to go to CLC. Teachers say he is a flirt with the girls, is a rule follower, and naps well.
John is a very sweet boy ... and will soon be a big brother!