Tuesday, December 17, 2013

James Gentry Parsons

James Gentry Parsons Birth

James Gentry Parsons was born on December 5, 2013 at 11:43 am. He was 9 pounds, 2 ounces and 20.1 inches long! 

My labor was quite short. I was given pitocin at 9:30am, epidural at 9:45am, water broken at 10:00am, and then had James within about three pushes not too much later. Dr. Burt barely had time to get his scrubs on before James was born! 

There was a huge ice storm that hit Dallas the weekend James was born, so we went home the next day (Friday) to avoid as much of the bad weather as possible. While we were in the hospital John stayed with Grandma and Grandad. Grandma, Grandad, Uncle Matthew, Uncle Shane, Aunt Elizabeth and Mema came to visit and see James for the first time. Nana and Bubba came to visit Saturday through Monday. Luckily their flights were on time and they were able to rent a four wheel drive car to see us. 

Below are some of the pictures from James' birth! We are very blessed with a precious, healthy baby!


Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Since I was pregnant with James and about a week from my due date, Jay's family came to visit us in Texas this year. Here are some pictures from the weekend ... we all had lots of fun!

Thanksgiving Dinner at Silver Fox
Christmas Gifts
John's Big Wheels
Elizabeth is excited about her gift ... Tea Pot
Charly's gift ... Washer Toss
Ball Pit to John from Charly ... lots of fun and static!
Lunch at Kenny's BBQ
Boys at Legacy
Girls at Legacy

John - 17 Months

John at 17 Months

John is a very lively boy. He loves to run and play, especially outside or basketball.
He got tubes put in his ears because he had multiple ear infection that would not clear up.
He is a man's, man. He loves playing with his Uncles and wrestling.
Since he got tubes put in his ears, John has started talking much more ("uh-oh", "moof", "ball")
John can be very opinionated when he wants something organized.
These pictures were taken the day before John became a big brother. 
He is growing up so fast and will be a wonderful big brother!
We love John so very much!