James at 1 Month
- James was approximately 13 pounds 2 ounces.
- Caught the stomach bug and cold at around 2 weeks. Still trying to get over the cold. Still stuffy and congested.
- He loves to be with Mommy.
- He has started cooing a little.
- Loves to be talked to and held over the shoulder.
- He was pretty cranky the first 3-4 weeks. I cut out dairy and it has seemed to help quite a bit. I think he may also have gas some of the time which make him upset.
- He lets you know when he has a wet or dirty diaper and he wants it changed right away!
- Does not like when he gets the hiccups.
- Just like John he screams in his car seat.
- Likes to lay on the floor or changing table and hit at his mobile and jitter bug.
- Likes to sleep next to Mommy or on Mommy's chest. Trying to transition to the snuggle bed in Mommy and Daddy's bed.
- Will fall asleep to R&B music!
Will love our baby boy! He is growing so fast!