Tuesday, April 8, 2014

James - 4 Months

James at 4 Months
James got his two bottom teeth on April 3, 2014.
As of April 7, 2014 James weighed 17 pounds 9 ounces, and was 25 1/4 inches long.
Loves to eat...and is a good eater.
Smiles and coos at you when you talk to him.
Starting to laugh every once in a while.
Pulls at his toys and tries to get them in his mouth, especially the bumble bee on his mobile.
Enjoys watching John play.
Will sit up in the bumbo and his bouncer.
Hasn't been sleeping that well. On a good night sleeps two 5 hour stretches.
Fusses and cries as he is going to sleep. Will only sleep on his stomach.
He is getting so much personality! We love him!

John - 21 Months

John at 21 Months
John is talking much more. His favorite words:
Noooo (with emphasis)
Ess (Yes)
Bye (for goodbye and goodnight)
Moof (Move)
Wawa (Water)
Ba-by (Baby)
Nack (Down)
Di (Ding)
Roof, Roof (for Dog)
Si (Sit)
Vroom, Vroom (for cars)
By-bl (Bible)
Row, Row (for the Row, Row book)
Ba (right back, and holds up one finger or wants to put something back in its place)
Cacker (Cookie)
Taw (Tall)
Ja (James)
He has become much more gentle with James.
Likes to pat and rock James with Mommy.
Will give James lots of kisses and hugs.
Learning to actually shoot hoops. Throws the ball up to make a basket.
Getting real proficient at going up and down stairs by himself.
Still loves to eat. Enjoys asparagus and chocolate chips.
Is scared of the vacuum cleaner. Will hide when the cleaning ladies come.
Loves to build blocks tall.
When he sings, he uses hand motions and can keep the beat.
He is growing up so much. Love to see his little personality.