Saturday, May 30, 2015

James - 15 and 16 Months

James at 15 and 16 Months

15 Months

16 Months hugging Charly Bear

16 Months singing a song

James is a very sweet and cuddly boy. He likes to give hugs and saw "awww".
It's still difficult to get him to settle down for nap and bed. He still fusses himself to sleep.
This is a fun age because he is able to walk and understand what is going on, so he is very interactive and likes to play. He is extremely animated.
Starting to babble words. Most you don't understand, but then you get one or two words that you understand.
The words he says the most are bunny, eat, nack (snack), dut dut (water), do'in (what is someone doing), baseball, football, basketball (you normally don't know which one he is saying unless he is pointing to the ball).
Likes to sing "Wheels on the Bus" (calls it beep beep) and "ABC" (calls it EFG). If he doesn't like a song you are singing he will say "noooo".
He can reach the handles to the doors, but especially likes to open the pantry and pick his own snack.
He likes to wrestle by putting both hands one your chest and knocking you down.
He plays really well by himself and still loves to read books.
He can identify pretty much everyone and says "Mommy", "Daddy", "John", and "Baby".
When asking where baby Grace is, he lifts up Mommy's shirt and gives Grace kisses.
He's a fairly picky eater, but if he is hungry he will eat whatever is on his plate.
Naps 1-2 times a day, depending on if it is a school day.
Will walk right into his classroom at school now.
When you ask him a question he will say "no" or  "yah" (and nod his head up and down).

He is a sweet boy and will soon be a big brother!

John - 32 and 33 Months

John at 32 and 33 Months

32 Months

33 Months
I've been a little behind on getting pictures and then posting them on the blog. Hoping to get caught up before Grace arrives in less then a week!

John has become a big talker. He talks a lot and remembers a lot too. 
He enjoys playing outside, with block, trucks, and all kinds of balls.
When playing baseball he likes to be the pitcher.
Daddy taught him how to play football and John likes to say "hut, hut".
He will give baby Grace kisses and then sing "ABC" to her.
John is good about checking on Mommy when she doesn't feel good.
Loves to help Mommy in the kitchen at dinner time.
Enjoys helping with any "project" we have going on around the house. 
John has done really well going potty. He tells us when he needs to go and wears underwear any time we are out, even at school. 
He wears 5T shirts and 3T-4T pants/shorts. He is becoming more tall and slender. 
He is super sweet!