Monday, July 14, 2014

James - 7 Months

James at 7 Months

James is starting to move around a lot. 
Sat up on his own starting July 9, 2014.
He can now be put on his back, roll to his stomach and sit himself up.
Got his two top teeth on July 3, 2014.
Loves to watch John.
Eating 2-3 jars of baby food a day, but still loves to nurse.
Starting to sleep better at night with only about one night time feeding.
Taking a morning and afternoon nap.
Generally pretty happy and smiley little guy.
Lunges and whines when he sees Mommy.
Enjoying the water this summer.
Puts everything in his mouth, but prefers new toys.
Still loves to bounce in his exersaucer. 

John - 24 Months

John at 24 Months

As of July 7, 2014 John weighed 35.8 pounds and was 35.8 inches tall.
Still sleeping 11 hours at night and taking a 2-3 hour nap each day.
All boy!
On the move all the time.
Sweats a lot.
Loves balls, cars, and his new bike.
Loves to eat, especially "cooookies", but not veggies.
A good problem solver. If he can't reach something up high he will get his stool.
Loves to help Mommy in the kitchen cook.
Loves to help Daddy fix anything.
He is very particular about where items go.
Enjoying the water this summer. Will use his floating ring and get in by himself.
Can get James to laugh and smile.
Still sleeps with "ruff, ruff" and a basketball in his crib, along with about 6 other stuffed animals.
Starting to play by himself at times, but still prefers to play with us.
Will now call out for "Mommy" when awake in morning or after naps.
He is very sensitive and checks on us if there is a problem. He will give kisses and then say otay? (okay?) with his head kind of tilted to the side.
Will just randomly start singing. He will sing A-B-C-D.
He knows the colors blue, red, yewow ("yellow"), ornj ("orange"), and geen ("green").
Talking a lot using 3 word sentences and understanding what we say in a conversation:
- Hep, peez (Help, Please)
- wader do (Water go?)
- Daddy pay me (Daddy play with me)
- trow ball Mommy (Throw ball to Mommy)
- Me do dat (Me do that)

Lots of big milestones for our little guy. He's definiately not a baby anymore. We love him so much!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

James - 6 Months

James at 6 Months

At James 6 month appointment, James weighed 18 pounds and was 23.5 inches (Jay and I think that his length was wrong).
He is a very happy baby unless he is hungry, tired, or needs a diaper change.
He continually has ear infections.
Plan to start solid foods.
Enjoys playing on the floor and in his exersaucer. He bounce, bounce, bounces in the exersaucer. We got him an over the door bouncer, but doesn't seem to like that as much.
James loves his Mommy ... he loves to nurse and even likes to wake in the night to nurse.
Still wakes about every 4 hours at night. Has good nights every once in a while.
Uses his vocals all the time and says "dadadada".
We can't believe our little baby is 6 months old! We love him lots!

John - 23 Months

John at 23 Months

John is talking more and more. Especially using words like "me" and "mine". Other words include: "ball", "amost (almost)", "moof (move)".
John is starting to string two and three words together at a time.
He had so much fun on both our trips to South Carolina. Loved swimming and spending time with grandparents and uncles/aunt.
Still very much a Daddy's boy.
He loves playing with trains, balls, and cars.
Starting to understand how baseball works. Using glove on his hand, throwing/pitching, hitting, will also "side (slide)".
Enjoys watching Daniel Tiger (his favorite), Cars ("Vroom, Vroom"), Thomas ("Choo, Choo").
We've had a couple movie nights (Cars and The Incredibles). He likes watching them, but can't through the whole movie.
He still loves to eat most anything you give him. Every once in a while he is finicky, but mostly when it comes to vegetables.