John at 23 Months
John is talking more and more. Especially using words like "me" and "mine". Other words include: "ball", "amost (almost)", "moof (move)".
John is starting to string two and three words together at a time.
He had so much fun on both our trips to South Carolina. Loved swimming and spending time with grandparents and uncles/aunt.
Still very much a Daddy's boy.
He loves playing with trains, balls, and cars.
Starting to understand how baseball works. Using glove on his hand, throwing/pitching, hitting, will also "side (slide)".
Enjoys watching Daniel Tiger (his favorite), Cars ("Vroom, Vroom"), Thomas ("Choo, Choo").
We've had a couple movie nights (Cars and The Incredibles). He likes watching them, but can't through the whole movie.
He still loves to eat most anything you give him. Every once in a while he is finicky, but mostly when it comes to vegetables.
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