John at 30 Months
John is becoming such a big boy!
He talks a lot. He likes to explain how things work and the order in which things will happen.
He of course loves to do things himself.
Enjoys helping Mommy in the kitchen, cook, clean, and put dishes away.
He likes to have tasks to do. He is very orderly and process oriented.
He's a big helper when cleaning up toys at the end of the day.
Likes to say "no" quite a bit and has taught James to say "no".
Came down with a stomach bug and wheezing episode this last month.
Been much more clingy to Mommy and Daddy lately and wanting us to hold him more.
Loves to eat and now asks for specific items, like pizza or chicken nuggs ("nuggets").
Loves to wrestle with Daddy.
Can throw a ball really hard.
He recognizes backhoes, bulldozers and cranes when we are driving.
He will also say "go", the light is green at stop lights.
Still loves to watch Daniel Tiger and has been singing lots of the little songs from the show ("Have to Go Potty" and "If It's Bad").
Was told at church one Sunday that John was a big helper during clean up time and he is very easy and chill in the classroom.
We are potty training...each day gets better. We went to get a potty at the store and John picked out one that "flushed". He liked it for about a day and then decided that he prefers the "big" potties. He started out having accidents when in pull-ups, but now keeps pull-ups mostly dry during awake hours and tells us when he has to go potty. He is really good about keeping his underwear dry when he is at home. When we go to the mall he likes the family bathrooms that have the "baby" potties. He still won't go potty at school, but that will come in time.
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