Thursday, August 6, 2015

Grace - 1 Month

Grace is 1 Month Old

Grace is growing and healthy.
She sleeps well and eat wells.
For the first month of her life she slept a lot!
She sleeps on her tummy most of the time. She has a strong neck!
She prefers to be held, but will go to sleep in the rocker with the noise lamb.
She also likes to sit in the rocker when the shower is on and will eventually sleep.
She is the easiest baby of all three of the kiddos.
We love our sweet baby girl!

James - 19 Months

James at 19 Months

James is 27.8 lbs (84%), 33.5 in. (66%), and head is 19.5 in. (92%).
James is our spunky monkey. He is always on the move and climbs/jumps on everything!
James has started saying "nooo" when you ask him to do something. He thinks it's quite funny.
He's not quite sure of Grace, but he will pat her and give her a kiss if you ask him to. He is gentle with her, but doesn't really mind if she is there or not. 
He love bay-ball (baseball)...watching, reading, and playing! 
Loves singing Take Me Out To The Ball Game.
He sleeps well at night now, but has to have books, balls, ruff ruff, and bear in his bead. We're not sure how he actually fits in the bed with everything else in the bed!
He wants the song "Nighty-Night" sung to him. It's a song Uncle Brad Allen made up. He also wants Wheels on the Buss (Beep Beep), and EIEIO. 
He doesn't really like to sit down for meals. He would rather be up walking around with food and graze with snacks all day long. 
He can recognize and say the words boo (blue) and one (one).
He has started really liking Mic Mou (Mickey Mouse). 
We love our little Monkey!

John - 36 Months

John is 3

John is 40.75 lbs (98%), 41.2 in ( 99%), and BMI is 17 (75%).
He loves his baby sister, Gracie. He always says baby Gracie is so cute or so petty (pretty). He likes to make sure she has cute socks and pretty bows. They may not match her outfit, but he is sweet to want to pick them out for her. 
John talks in complete sentences more and will explain a situation to you. 
He is very particular about how things are accomplished.
Still loves the color blue!
He is sleeping very well in a big boy bed. He rolls over next to the railing, so every night we have to move him back to the middle of the bed. 
John enjoys playing with cars, construction trucks, and baseball. 
He prefers to be the catcher or pitcher.
He likes to wrestle with James and pick on James too.
John loves to draw pictures and give them as gifts. 
Lately he wants to watch Mickey Mouse or Curious George.
We love our sweet boy! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

John's 3rd Birthday

John's 3rd Birthday - Construction Trucks

We had a fun time celebrating John turning 3! We had pizza and cupcakes to celebrate his special day. He was a very excited about all the construction trucks, the cupcakes, and opening presents. He kept saying thank you for getting him cupcakes. We are thankful for all the family that could join us for his special day!

Grace is Born

Grace Ann Parsons

Grace Ann Parsons was born on June 8, 2015 at 11:00 am. She was 9 lbs 4 oz and 20 3/4 inches. From the beginning she has been a good eater and a good sleeper. The labor was extremely short. Basically, once Holly's water broke Grace was born within 45 minutes. We were very excited to meet our precious Grace. Big brothers John and James were very excited to meet their baby sister. John kept saying she's so cute and wanted to hold her. James was a little less interested in Grace, but enjoyed exploring the hospital room. We loved having family to come visit our sweet baby girl! She is a sweetheart and we love her!


James - 18 Months

James at 18 Months

James is starting to get more independent and wanting to do more himself.
If he doesn't get his way he will throw himself on the floor, say "no", or yell. 
Still loves his fruit packs and waffles. 
Have a hard time getting him to eat, but his bottom canine teeth are coming in.
He is still such a happy boy. He loves to laugh.
He climbs on everything. 
Loves to jump on the couch and beds...he is our little monkey!

John - 35 Months

John at 35 Months

John continues to grow and develop. 
He has a lot of energy.
He is very excited to meet baby Grace.
Enjoys playing with his cars and outside in the pool.
Loves playing baseball in the backyard and running the bases (not always in the correct order, but it's really cute to watch).