Grace Ann Parsons
Grace Ann Parsons was born on June 8, 2015 at 11:00 am. She was 9 lbs 4 oz and 20 3/4 inches. From the beginning she has been a good eater and a good sleeper. The labor was extremely short. Basically, once Holly's water broke Grace was born within 45 minutes. We were very excited to meet our precious Grace. Big brothers John and James were very excited to meet their baby sister. John kept saying she's so cute and wanted to hold her. James was a little less interested in Grace, but enjoyed exploring the hospital room. We loved having family to come visit our sweet baby girl! She is a sweetheart and we love her!

Grace Ann Parsons was born on June 8, 2015 at 11:00 am. She was 9 lbs 4 oz and 20 3/4 inches. From the beginning she has been a good eater and a good sleeper. The labor was extremely short. Basically, once Holly's water broke Grace was born within 45 minutes. We were very excited to meet our precious Grace. Big brothers John and James were very excited to meet their baby sister. John kept saying she's so cute and wanted to hold her. James was a little less interested in Grace, but enjoyed exploring the hospital room. We loved having family to come visit our sweet baby girl! She is a sweetheart and we love her!
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