Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby Parsons

After a long journey, from finding out June 2011 that I had a cyst on my right ovary the size of a grapefruit and the removal of the cyst along with the right ovary, God has blessed us with the pregnancy of our first child. We are extremely excited! Baby Parsons is due July 8th, approximately one year after my surgery. God is good! 

The following dates explain our journey with Baby Parsons thus far and the growth of Baby Parsons in my tummy:

- October 30, 2011: Pregnancy test confirming our suspicions.

- November 14, 2011: First doctors appointment. We were only 6 weeks pregnant. Could not hear the heartbeat yet, but we did see Baby Parsons. 

- November 20 to 27, 2011: We were going to North Carolina for Thanksgiving to visit the Parsons. Before we left, we told the Gentrys the exciting news and upon arrival in North Carolina we told the Parsons'. Both are very thrilled to be grandparents! However, they were not so excited to keep it a secret for another 4 weeks. We wanted to make sure all was okay with Baby Parsons at the next appointment.

- December 12, 2011: Baby Parsons' 10-week appointment. We heard the heartbeat and started seeing the formation of a baby. We started telling extended family and friends.

- January 9, 2012: Baby Parsons' 14-week appointment. Heard the heartbeat and the checkup went great. No concerns. Very thankful!

- February 8, 2012: Baby Parsons' 18-week appointment. This was the BIG appointment. Baby Parsons checked out great...heart, lungs, arms, and legs all growing and working properly! Also found out that we are having a ... BOY!

- March 2 to 5, 2012: Baby Moon Trip to Phoenix, AZ for Cleveland Indians Spring Training. We had a lot of fun getting to see Jay's -- I mean our -- favorite team, the Cleveland Indians, play opening weekend. We got Baby Parsons a baseball with 13 signatures of Cleveland Indians' players and coaches. Baby Parsons is already a Cleveland Indians' fan! :) 

- March 7, 2012: Baby Parsons' 22-week appointment. This was just a normal checkup. Heard the heartbeat and all checked out healthy.

Baby Parsons is a night owl and starts moving around about 10 pm. Baby does not like it when I lay on my back before going to bed. Jay is able to feel him move around more and more. Knowing that our boy can hear, I enjoy singing, playing the piano and reading to him during the day.

It is so very exciting! We cannot wait to meet our bundle of joy!