Tuesday, November 18, 2014

James - 11 Months

James at 11 Months

Our sweet James.
James clapping b/c John is saying smile "Tcha" behind the camera and we are saying yay.

James is as sweet as ever! He pretty much goes with the flow.
He has had an ear infection for the last month and still is fairly happy most of the time.
He loves to follow "bubu" around the house, especially up the stairs.
He is starting to eat more. But loves waffles, graham sticks, and fruit packs.
Still nurses about 4-5 times a day.
Will sleep a little more at night, but usually still up once in the night.
Both boys had to be separated in the car because James kept touching John.
James likes to say, "bubu", "dada", "ball", "book".
James likes to pretend everything is a ball and throws it on the ground.
He points and grunts to let you know what he wants.
He is really into reading books right now. But he is opinionated on what is read.
He shakes his head no when he doesn't want something. He lets you know his opinion!
He will stand on his own for 1-2 seconds every once in a while, but does not have any interest in walking.

We can't believe he will be ONE in less then a month! We love our Jamesie (as Mommy calls him)!

John - 28 Months

John at 28 Months

The "good" picture I like to send out to everyone!
The picture that captures how our picture sessions normally go to get one "good" picture!

John is becoming a big boy. He'll even say "me big boy"!
He asks lots of "why" questions.
John LOVES to eat. He asks "what me have?"
Still loves to play basketball and soccer, build blocks, play with trains and cars.
Grandma and Papa have some work being done on their road and he now likes bulldozers and backhoes. He says, "dig dirt and dump" as he is playing with his toys.
He recognizes all his colors and sings some of the ABC song. It's really cute when he sings, "net time sing wit meeee".
He likes to play with James "Tcha". They are good at making each other laugh. 
He is talking a lot and wants to do EVERYTHING himself!
When finding out about the new baby, John kept saying, "baby not here right now." He now lifts mommy's shirt to try to find the baby and kiss the baby. 
John loves to play football with Daddy during Cowboys games and wearing Cowboys shirt. Daddy must wear his Cowboys shirt too. Loves to be chased and tackled carrying the football. 
He's excited to have another baby...here are some highlights when talking with Jay one night before bed:
"I close my eyes and I wake up and baby here?", "James going bye-by?" (trying to comprehend "new baby" b/c typically getting something new means replacing something old), "Two babies!" (no not twins, but John realizing we can keep James and have the new baby.), "Is the baby in the car right now?" (When told the baby wasn't here yet but is coming.), "I teach baby to play baseball. I teach two babies to play baseball."

We love to watch John grow and change! He is a sweet boy! We love him!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

James - 10 Months

James at 10 Months

James is still about 19 to 20 pounds.
He is teething ... 4 teeth!
He has started sleeping better at night. Still wakes up once, but typically goes back to sleep for a couple hours.
James crawls everywhere. He likes to follow John around the house. If John leaves a room James will yell until he find someone.
He crawls up the stairs by himself.
He will play by himself if you are sitting on the floor with him.
James says "bye, bye" while waving (normally to himself).
Puts his hands up when you say "How big is James? So, big!".
When he sees himself in the mirror he will say "baby",
He loves to throw the ball.
Says "dada" a lot. Also wants daddy to hold him much more now.
He will say "vmmmm" when playing with car or train.
He can be very opinionated about eating or wanting to be held. He will yell at you until he gets what he wants!
He yells when John takes a toy away from him.
He has such a sweet personality and is happy 99.9% of the time!
We love our little guy!

John - 27 Months

John at 27 Months

John is 37 inches and 37 pounds. 
He loves going to school every Tuesday/Thursday at Prestonwood.
John enjoys playing basketball, football, baseball and soccer.
He has so much energy...don't know where it all comes from!
He now tells you when he needs to go potty, but we haven't started potty training yet.
He has started throwing tantrums at different times, on way to church, in the mornings when getting ready, when he doesn't get what he wants, etc. It is still a hard age to reason with him, but we are working towards "using his words" to tell us what he wants.
John likes to do a lot by himself ... get into the car, putting on his shoes, getting into his booster seat, getting his plate out for lunch/dinner, putting his waffle in the toaster, taking his clothes off for baths at night.
We love our big boy...can't believe how much he is growing up!

Monday, September 22, 2014

James - 9 Months

James at 9 Months

At James' 9 month appointment he weighed 19 pounds 1 ounce (40%) and 27.3 inches tall (13%).
James is our smiley little guy. He always draws attention in the stores with his cute smile.
Will play by himself, but prefers if you are playing with him.
Enjoys to eat by himself. He eats almost anything as long as it is really soft. Haven't given him a lot of dairy or meat yet. 
He is starting to get an opinion, especially when John takes away his toys. 
Still very much a Mommy's boy.
Shakes his head no.
Stands up and crawls everywhere, even on the stairs.
Loves when we wake up John in the morning or from nap.
This is a fun age ... lots of development during this stage.

John - 26 Months

John at 26 Months

John loves to talk. He forms lots of sentences and learning new words all the time. 
When reading books he likes to talk about what is on each page. He normally points out "Mommy, Daddy, Me, and Cha (James)."
Prays...most of the time he will repeat what you say, but will sometimes pray by himself. 
Sings along to songs on his Veggie Tales CD and at school. Right now the song is mostly "I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Soul".
He runs around the house with a Superman shirt and cape saying, "Suuuperrr MAN." He prefers if Daddy and James do it with him. 
School has been great for him this year. All his teachers say how well he is doing and that he is a favorite. Ms. Sarah said during the third week that John is very sweet and loving towards his friends.
John loves to play blocks, especially with Daddy! 
He certainly has an opinion about everything and wants to do everything himself. This includes, starting the car, buckling himself in, picking out diapers, getting wipes, putting the washcloth away, getting in his booster seat himself, etc.
Will sing the ABC's ("sing with meeee") and can count to 10!
He loves to play with James, but not sure about James playing with his toys.
His new thing is a "cheese" face, but can hardly get him to smile. He's pretty serious and focused, but does love to laugh.  
We love our big boy! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

James - 8 Months

James at 8 Months

James is sitting up on his own, crawling everywhere, and pulling up to stand. 
He loves to play with John. He gives great big smiles when he sees John. 
Starting to sleep 9 hours straight, but will wake up once in the night and will nurse back to sleep every five or so nights. 
Wakes up about 6:30 am ready to play ... after he eats!
Loves cheerios. Eating baby food three times a day.
Plays on the floor as long as you are right there with him.
Enjoys just sitting on your lap.
Will follow Mommy, Daddy, or John to another room.
He is getting such a personality ...
Laid back (unless tired, hungry, or dirty diaper)
Laughs a lot
Smiles when he sees Mommy or John

John - 25 Months

John at 25 Months

John is continuing to develop new words and use sentences. 
He is also pushing the boundaries of control ... "terrible twos".
He has an opinion about everything and says "me do."
He loves to play with James!
John likes a routine and makes sure everything is back in its place. 
Started back to CLC this month and loves it! 
He is good at taking care of others when they are sick or hurting by giving kisses and asking "otay" and then "all done"?
Love to see his personality continue to develop.

Monday, July 14, 2014

James - 7 Months

James at 7 Months

James is starting to move around a lot. 
Sat up on his own starting July 9, 2014.
He can now be put on his back, roll to his stomach and sit himself up.
Got his two top teeth on July 3, 2014.
Loves to watch John.
Eating 2-3 jars of baby food a day, but still loves to nurse.
Starting to sleep better at night with only about one night time feeding.
Taking a morning and afternoon nap.
Generally pretty happy and smiley little guy.
Lunges and whines when he sees Mommy.
Enjoying the water this summer.
Puts everything in his mouth, but prefers new toys.
Still loves to bounce in his exersaucer. 

John - 24 Months

John at 24 Months

As of July 7, 2014 John weighed 35.8 pounds and was 35.8 inches tall.
Still sleeping 11 hours at night and taking a 2-3 hour nap each day.
All boy!
On the move all the time.
Sweats a lot.
Loves balls, cars, and his new bike.
Loves to eat, especially "cooookies", but not veggies.
A good problem solver. If he can't reach something up high he will get his stool.
Loves to help Mommy in the kitchen cook.
Loves to help Daddy fix anything.
He is very particular about where items go.
Enjoying the water this summer. Will use his floating ring and get in by himself.
Can get James to laugh and smile.
Still sleeps with "ruff, ruff" and a basketball in his crib, along with about 6 other stuffed animals.
Starting to play by himself at times, but still prefers to play with us.
Will now call out for "Mommy" when awake in morning or after naps.
He is very sensitive and checks on us if there is a problem. He will give kisses and then say otay? (okay?) with his head kind of tilted to the side.
Will just randomly start singing. He will sing A-B-C-D.
He knows the colors blue, red, yewow ("yellow"), ornj ("orange"), and geen ("green").
Talking a lot using 3 word sentences and understanding what we say in a conversation:
- Hep, peez (Help, Please)
- wader do (Water go?)
- Daddy pay me (Daddy play with me)
- trow ball Mommy (Throw ball to Mommy)
- Me do dat (Me do that)

Lots of big milestones for our little guy. He's definiately not a baby anymore. We love him so much!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

James - 6 Months

James at 6 Months

At James 6 month appointment, James weighed 18 pounds and was 23.5 inches (Jay and I think that his length was wrong).
He is a very happy baby unless he is hungry, tired, or needs a diaper change.
He continually has ear infections.
Plan to start solid foods.
Enjoys playing on the floor and in his exersaucer. He bounce, bounce, bounces in the exersaucer. We got him an over the door bouncer, but doesn't seem to like that as much.
James loves his Mommy ... he loves to nurse and even likes to wake in the night to nurse.
Still wakes about every 4 hours at night. Has good nights every once in a while.
Uses his vocals all the time and says "dadadada".
We can't believe our little baby is 6 months old! We love him lots!

John - 23 Months

John at 23 Months

John is talking more and more. Especially using words like "me" and "mine". Other words include: "ball", "amost (almost)", "moof (move)".
John is starting to string two and three words together at a time.
He had so much fun on both our trips to South Carolina. Loved swimming and spending time with grandparents and uncles/aunt.
Still very much a Daddy's boy.
He loves playing with trains, balls, and cars.
Starting to understand how baseball works. Using glove on his hand, throwing/pitching, hitting, will also "side (slide)".
Enjoys watching Daniel Tiger (his favorite), Cars ("Vroom, Vroom"), Thomas ("Choo, Choo").
We've had a couple movie nights (Cars and The Incredibles). He likes watching them, but can't through the whole movie.
He still loves to eat most anything you give him. Every once in a while he is finicky, but mostly when it comes to vegetables.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

James - 5 Months

James at 5 Months

James has a lot of personality. He loves to be talked to and laugh at John.
He is starting to talk much more.
 He imitates us when we click our tongue or pop our lips.
He rolled over from back to front on April 14, 2014.
We finally got his skin irritations cleared up and he is content and happy most of the time.
He still fusses himself to sleep and wakes up about 2 times each night.
We love watching him grow and change. There is so much development during this age.

John - 22 Months

John at 22 Months

John learns so many words each week.
 The couple words we have worked on are "help" and "please". He learned them in sign language and now tries to say them. 
We are amazed at how much he is learning and growing. 
He has become real gentle with James.
He likes to make James laugh.
He still eats quite a bit (as much as Mommy)!
He got a couple of his molars this month, which made him really cranky.
He is extremely organized and particular with where things go. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

James - 4 Months

James at 4 Months
James got his two bottom teeth on April 3, 2014.
As of April 7, 2014 James weighed 17 pounds 9 ounces, and was 25 1/4 inches long.
Loves to eat...and is a good eater.
Smiles and coos at you when you talk to him.
Starting to laugh every once in a while.
Pulls at his toys and tries to get them in his mouth, especially the bumble bee on his mobile.
Enjoys watching John play.
Will sit up in the bumbo and his bouncer.
Hasn't been sleeping that well. On a good night sleeps two 5 hour stretches.
Fusses and cries as he is going to sleep. Will only sleep on his stomach.
He is getting so much personality! We love him!

John - 21 Months

John at 21 Months
John is talking much more. His favorite words:
Noooo (with emphasis)
Ess (Yes)
Bye (for goodbye and goodnight)
Moof (Move)
Wawa (Water)
Ba-by (Baby)
Nack (Down)
Di (Ding)
Roof, Roof (for Dog)
Si (Sit)
Vroom, Vroom (for cars)
By-bl (Bible)
Row, Row (for the Row, Row book)
Ba (right back, and holds up one finger or wants to put something back in its place)
Cacker (Cookie)
Taw (Tall)
Ja (James)
He has become much more gentle with James.
Likes to pat and rock James with Mommy.
Will give James lots of kisses and hugs.
Learning to actually shoot hoops. Throws the ball up to make a basket.
Getting real proficient at going up and down stairs by himself.
Still loves to eat. Enjoys asparagus and chocolate chips.
Is scared of the vacuum cleaner. Will hide when the cleaning ladies come.
Loves to build blocks tall.
When he sings, he uses hand motions and can keep the beat.
He is growing up so much. Love to see his little personality.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

James - 3 Months

James at 3 Months

James ear infection finally cleared up. Hopefully he does not get another one!
At his check-up appointment on March 4, 2013 he weighed 16 pounds 9 ounces.
He is in size 2-3 diapers.
He eats every 2-3 hours during the day.
Fights all forms of naps during the day, unless he is in the car.
Sleeps fairly well at night and has only been waking up once.
Loves to sleep on his stomach.
Loves, Loves, Loves to talk and coo.
He looks you right in the eye and will smile and talk. He gets so excited when you talk to him that he wiggles, kicks and throws his hands up in the air. It is just the cutest!
Sucks on his hands, but will not take a pacifier.
Likes to watch John play.

James is growing up so fast! We love to watch him develop his own personality!


John - 20 Months

John at 20 Months

Wow...what can I say...John is such a big boy! We love him so much!

He has finally gotten over being sick and is able to enjoy school and church again.
Has started liking to color and work with his puzzles.
Started talking quite a bit and is much more clear with his words...
"taw" (tall), "caker" (cracker), "baw" (ball)
Looks for "Mommy" and "Daddy" in the house when we go to another room.
Asks about and is thankful for Dadto (Grandma), Papa (Grandpa), Nana (sometimes called Nanny), and Bubba
He is really cute when he prays because he folds his hands by interlocking his fingers.
Has started noticing the "vroom, vrooms" out the window when we are driving.
Still loves to eat, but has become a little more picky...especially with vegetables. 
He has also figured out how to take pictures with the camera.
Loves to watch Daniel Tiger. Only show that will keep his attention.

Loves to...
wrestle, play basketball, play outside, rock James, give kisses, help Mommy in the kitchen cook, play with Daddy
Does not like...
getting diaper changed, going to bed, washing his hands, being told no

James - 2 Months

James at 2 Months

James was 14 pounds 10 ounces (91%) and 23 inches (48%) as of 2/5/2014.
Loves to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours
Has another ear infection and is on antibiotics
Enjoys watching and hitting at a multi-colored puppy that John calls "ruff, ruff"
Likes his baths, especially when Mommy sings to him
We are battling cradle cap and eczema, but he doesn't seem to mind
Likes watching John play
Starting to sleep better through the night. Has good 4 to 5 hour stretches.

We love this little guy!

John - 19 Months

John at 19 Months

Our little (big) boy is growing up so fast!
He is a great big brother. Loves to rock and kiss James.
Is really good at puzzles, his shape blocks, and rings
Enjoys building tall block towers with Daddy
Was really sick for a couple weeks with an ear infection and pink eye.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

James Baby Dedication

James Baby Dedication

We had James' baby dedication on February 23, 2013 at Prestonwood Baptist Church. Nana and Bubba flew in for the weekend and Aunt Elizabeth joined us for the ceremony and lunch. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Matthew, Uncle Shane, Mema, and Aunt Lynda were also able to join us for the church service and lunch. We had a nice lunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house after the church service. We even got to celebrate Mema's birthday after lunch! 

A Here are a few pictures from the dedication on Sunday.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

James - 1 Month

James at 1 Month

- James was approximately 13 pounds 2 ounces. 
- Caught the stomach bug and cold at around 2 weeks. Still trying to get over the cold. Still stuffy and congested. 
- He loves to be with Mommy. 
- He has started cooing a little. 
- Loves to be talked to and held over the shoulder. 
- He was pretty cranky the first 3-4 weeks. I cut out dairy and it has seemed to help quite a bit. I think he may also have gas some of the time which make him upset. 
- He lets you know when he has a wet or dirty diaper and he wants it changed right away! 
- Does not like when he gets the hiccups. 
- Just like John he screams in his car seat. 
- Likes to lay on the floor or changing table and hit at his mobile and jitter bug. 
- Likes to sleep next to Mommy or on Mommy's chest. Trying to transition to the snuggle bed in Mommy and Daddy's bed. 
- Will fall asleep to R&B music!

Will love our baby boy! He is growing so fast! 

John - 18 Months

John at 18 Months

- John weighs 33 pounds and is 34 inches tall! He is our strong and healthy boy! 
- Since getting his tubes in his ears he has begun saying and trying many more sounds and words. Here are a few: uh-oo, that turned into uh-oh, ball, daddy (not just dada), cacker (cracker), dog, broder (brother, just tried that this morning), Nana, Bubba, biszie (grandpa was saying he was a busy, busy boy), roc, roc (rock, rock when he is on the rocking horse or rocking James), basball (basketball). We love all the new words he is saying. 
- He loves to be on the go and to be around other people. He becomes a ham!
- He loves playing outside, going down the slide, swinging and playing basketball. 
- He is still a great eater and sleeper. Been sleeping 12-13 hrs a night and 2-3 hrs at nap. John can eat as much as I do at times! 
- John gives lots of kisses, especially to James. He also likes to rock James. We are working on gentleness when touching James.
- John is a big helper with dishes, laundry, sweeping and getting diapers/wipes. 
- He has started using a fork more often and is really pretty good at it. 

Out little "baby" is growing up! We love him lots! 

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas Eve morning was spent at our house opening presents and playing. John liked saying "oooooh" as he opened each gift. It was cute! James, only being a couple weeks old wasn't quite sure about all the festivities, bug he was a trouper! Johns big gift was an outdoor play slide and James was a rocking horse. I think John liked the rocking horse quite a bit though. He gets on it and says "roc, roc" ("rock, rock").

We then headed to my parents to celebrate Christmas with them, Mema, Bill and Aunt Lynda. We had fun spending the night for a couple nights. The boys enjoyed their bean bags from Grandma and Grandpa! 

We had one more Christmas celebration on New Years with the Armstreets, Ruckers, Mema, Bill and Aunt Lynda. 

Lots of Christmas fun as we enjoyed the company of family and praised the Lord for His blessings!