Thursday, March 6, 2014

James - 3 Months

James at 3 Months

James ear infection finally cleared up. Hopefully he does not get another one!
At his check-up appointment on March 4, 2013 he weighed 16 pounds 9 ounces.
He is in size 2-3 diapers.
He eats every 2-3 hours during the day.
Fights all forms of naps during the day, unless he is in the car.
Sleeps fairly well at night and has only been waking up once.
Loves to sleep on his stomach.
Loves, Loves, Loves to talk and coo.
He looks you right in the eye and will smile and talk. He gets so excited when you talk to him that he wiggles, kicks and throws his hands up in the air. It is just the cutest!
Sucks on his hands, but will not take a pacifier.
Likes to watch John play.

James is growing up so fast! We love to watch him develop his own personality!


John - 20 Months

John at 20 Months

Wow...what can I say...John is such a big boy! We love him so much!

He has finally gotten over being sick and is able to enjoy school and church again.
Has started liking to color and work with his puzzles.
Started talking quite a bit and is much more clear with his words...
"taw" (tall), "caker" (cracker), "baw" (ball)
Looks for "Mommy" and "Daddy" in the house when we go to another room.
Asks about and is thankful for Dadto (Grandma), Papa (Grandpa), Nana (sometimes called Nanny), and Bubba
He is really cute when he prays because he folds his hands by interlocking his fingers.
Has started noticing the "vroom, vrooms" out the window when we are driving.
Still loves to eat, but has become a little more picky...especially with vegetables. 
He has also figured out how to take pictures with the camera.
Loves to watch Daniel Tiger. Only show that will keep his attention.

Loves to...
wrestle, play basketball, play outside, rock James, give kisses, help Mommy in the kitchen cook, play with Daddy
Does not like...
getting diaper changed, going to bed, washing his hands, being told no

James - 2 Months

James at 2 Months

James was 14 pounds 10 ounces (91%) and 23 inches (48%) as of 2/5/2014.
Loves to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours
Has another ear infection and is on antibiotics
Enjoys watching and hitting at a multi-colored puppy that John calls "ruff, ruff"
Likes his baths, especially when Mommy sings to him
We are battling cradle cap and eczema, but he doesn't seem to mind
Likes watching John play
Starting to sleep better through the night. Has good 4 to 5 hour stretches.

We love this little guy!

John - 19 Months

John at 19 Months

Our little (big) boy is growing up so fast!
He is a great big brother. Loves to rock and kiss James.
Is really good at puzzles, his shape blocks, and rings
Enjoys building tall block towers with Daddy
Was really sick for a couple weeks with an ear infection and pink eye.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

James Baby Dedication

James Baby Dedication

We had James' baby dedication on February 23, 2013 at Prestonwood Baptist Church. Nana and Bubba flew in for the weekend and Aunt Elizabeth joined us for the ceremony and lunch. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Matthew, Uncle Shane, Mema, and Aunt Lynda were also able to join us for the church service and lunch. We had a nice lunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house after the church service. We even got to celebrate Mema's birthday after lunch! 

A Here are a few pictures from the dedication on Sunday.