Saturday, January 16, 2016

Grace 7 Months

Grace at 7 Months

Scoots all over the place...can follow voices or the water in the bathroom to find you!
She loves to now pull up on everything!
Isn't sleeping well because of all her big milestones!
She likes food...not pureed, but solids. So she will eat sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, avocado, banana all cut up in pieces. She also likes puffs, cheerios, and mum mums.
She definitely lets you know when she wants something.
Said "dada" the evening of January 12th. 
She is in about 12 month clothes.
Only takes a bottle now.
She is growing like a weed. Will probably be walking soon!
Where did our little baby go! Love her!

Grace - 6 Months

Grace at 6 Months

How can she already be 6 months?!
She scoots everywhere!
Stood up in her crib two days before she was 6 months old.
Started solid foods (cereal, carrots, peas, pears), but having a hard time getting her to like anything.
Loves her brothers! Gets fussy when they are not around.
Enjoys playing in her bouncer.
She is growing a little too fast for this Momma!

Grace - 5 Months

Grace at 5 Months

Rolls over and turns herself around in a circle.
Scoots everywhere.
Sleeps well.
Started supplementing with formula because she wasn't growing enough.
Still very content.
We love our sweet girl!

James 2 Year 1 Month

James at 2 Year 1 Month

Enjoyed Christmas with family. 
James loved his scooter and tablet. 
He has become a fairly good eater. You have to help him finish his food at times, but he has gotten much better. He can get in and out of his booster seat, so that becomes a challenge at meal time.
Sleeping at night has become interesting...he will throw all his toys out of his bed and typically refuses to go to sleep. It takes him a good hour to fall asleep after we have gone back in a couple times. 
He has gotten real good with Grace. He likes to make sure she is taken care of by rubbing her head and will play with her by giving her toys. 
He runs into school and asks to go most mornings.
He asks to go to "Ganma's" house most mornings and likes to talk to "Bubba"!
He likes to pray at dinner time and say the ABC's. He can count to 11.
He's a sweet little guy!

James - 2 Years

James at 2 Years

Our little baby is 2! How did time go so fast!
We celebrated his birthday over Thanksgiving with a Batman party!
He LOVES Batman and Robin! He got the Batman action figure for his birthday and sleeps with it every night. He got lots of Batman items and asks for his batman pajamas every night.
He is a big playful guy!
Started saying "no" since he turned two and started having an opinion about different things (i.e., getting his own plate, what shows he watches, what books he reads)
Love our big boy!

James - 23 Months

James at 23 Months

James says lots of words very clearly and speaks in sentences.
He has started giving Grace more attention, but doesn't typically acknowledge her.
He likes to wrestle, especially on the "jumping bed".
Still a picky eater and doesn't like meat.
He still loves fruit packs and munches on a waffle in the morning.
Can't believe he will be 2 soon!

John 3 Years 6 Months

John - 3 Years 6 Months

Had a great Christmas with family.
John loves his scooter, skates, superman and tablet.
He is really good on the scooter and tucks superman in every night next to him.
He loves playing soccer outside right now no matter how cold it is. 
He will go "run" with me in the backyard when I do my workouts or tries to do my workouts with me in the house. It's really cute to see him try to do all the moves!
He started taking a soccer class on Mondays. He was so excited to get his shin guards that he wore them for three days before the actual class.
He dresses himself each morning, can get all his clothes on in addition to his shoes and coat.
He buckles himself into the car.
He is growing up so much!

John - 3 Years 5 Months

John at 3 Years 5 Months

Enjoyed Thanksgiving with family, especially playing with Uncle Charly.
John went to his first Cowboy game on Thanksgiving, which he loved! He asked lots of questions and sat through the whole game.
He is very good one on one with others. He has a harder time when sharing his time.
Loves playing baseball and soccer. He has a good arm and can swing well.
Can get dressed himself and likes to pick out his own clothes. Typically it is shorts and a tshirt.
He's definitely becoming more grown up!

John - 3 Years 4 Months

John at 3 Years 4 Months

John is very good with Grace. Loves to take care of her and pick out her bows and socks.
Getting better playing with James, especially wrestling.
Big eater...2 waffles in the morning, 2 sandwiches at lunch and lots for dinner.
He has pretty much given up nap time. He will play by himself in the playroom though.