Tuesday, November 18, 2014

James - 11 Months

James at 11 Months

Our sweet James.
James clapping b/c John is saying smile "Tcha" behind the camera and we are saying yay.

James is as sweet as ever! He pretty much goes with the flow.
He has had an ear infection for the last month and still is fairly happy most of the time.
He loves to follow "bubu" around the house, especially up the stairs.
He is starting to eat more. But loves waffles, graham sticks, and fruit packs.
Still nurses about 4-5 times a day.
Will sleep a little more at night, but usually still up once in the night.
Both boys had to be separated in the car because James kept touching John.
James likes to say, "bubu", "dada", "ball", "book".
James likes to pretend everything is a ball and throws it on the ground.
He points and grunts to let you know what he wants.
He is really into reading books right now. But he is opinionated on what is read.
He shakes his head no when he doesn't want something. He lets you know his opinion!
He will stand on his own for 1-2 seconds every once in a while, but does not have any interest in walking.

We can't believe he will be ONE in less then a month! We love our Jamesie (as Mommy calls him)!

John - 28 Months

John at 28 Months

The "good" picture I like to send out to everyone!
The picture that captures how our picture sessions normally go to get one "good" picture!

John is becoming a big boy. He'll even say "me big boy"!
He asks lots of "why" questions.
John LOVES to eat. He asks "what me have?"
Still loves to play basketball and soccer, build blocks, play with trains and cars.
Grandma and Papa have some work being done on their road and he now likes bulldozers and backhoes. He says, "dig dirt and dump" as he is playing with his toys.
He recognizes all his colors and sings some of the ABC song. It's really cute when he sings, "net time sing wit meeee".
He likes to play with James "Tcha". They are good at making each other laugh. 
He is talking a lot and wants to do EVERYTHING himself!
When finding out about the new baby, John kept saying, "baby not here right now." He now lifts mommy's shirt to try to find the baby and kiss the baby. 
John loves to play football with Daddy during Cowboys games and wearing Cowboys shirt. Daddy must wear his Cowboys shirt too. Loves to be chased and tackled carrying the football. 
He's excited to have another baby...here are some highlights when talking with Jay one night before bed:
"I close my eyes and I wake up and baby here?", "James going bye-by?" (trying to comprehend "new baby" b/c typically getting something new means replacing something old), "Two babies!" (no not twins, but John realizing we can keep James and have the new baby.), "Is the baby in the car right now?" (When told the baby wasn't here yet but is coming.), "I teach baby to play baseball. I teach two babies to play baseball."

We love to watch John grow and change! He is a sweet boy! We love him!