Friday, March 8, 2013

John - 8 Months

John at 8 Months

Weighed 22 pounds 1 ounce as of February 19, 2013
Started crawling on February 17, 2013
Crawls everywhere
Will follow us around the house crawling
Got first ear infection, but cleared up in about a week
Pulls up on often
Would prefer to stand without help
Likes to give kisses
Recognizes the words "no", "mommy", "daddy", "sit-down", "bottle"
Started to get opinionated
Vocal about foods he likes and doesn't like
Vocal about being held ... all the time
Prefers to feed himself
Picks up and eats bananas, kiwi, avocado, beets, clementines, grapes, blueberries
Loves Gerber Puffs
Prefers to be out and about in new places
Takes 2 - 3 naps a day
Wakes up at 7 am each day, but sleeps 10 to 11 hours