Wednesday, January 9, 2013

John - 6 Months

John at 6 Months

John now weighs 19 pounds 2 ounces and is 27 inches long (as of January 4, 2013)
Sleeps about 10 hours a night
Has both bottom teeth
Eating solid foods (started on fruits and green veggies)
Drinking water (prefers to drink out of our glasses)
Babbling much more (his nursery teacher said he "preached a sermon" one Sunday)
Is more aware of all that goes on around him
Enjoys people-watching
Much more active and mobile
Reaches for us
Looks for us when we walk through the room
Scoots backwards, but tries to crawl (up on hand/knees and rocks)
Starting to sit up by himself, but still needs us close because he still falls over
Stands up and walks when helped with balance
Holds/reaches for toys with both hands and transfers them from hand to hand
Likes to put his feet in his mouth (literally)
Enjoys jumping on the bed (with jumps powered by Daddy)
Likes to play with his toys
Prefers to wear as little as possible
Laughs and giggles quite a bit


Christmas Holiday 2012

The Christmas holiday was packed full of festivities! We celebrated with friends and family!  We had fun at the following events: our Loft Christmas party, Shane's school Christmas program, FBC Allen Christmas program, Prestonwood Christmas program, and Shane's piano recital.

John watching the FBC Allen Christmas Program
FBC Allen Christmas Program
Prestonwood Christmas Program
Shane's Piano Recital
Shane's Piano Recital with Grandma and Grandad

We also had three separate Christmases...1) the three of us, 2) the Parsons, 3) the Gentrys. Below are some pictures from these fun Christmas celebrations.

We spend the first Christmas celebrating with just the three of us. It was very special spending our first Christmas with John. He loved the paper and cardboard the best!

We traveled to North Carolina, December 22 to December 28, for our second Christmas with the Parsons. This was also John's first plane ride. I don't think he even knew that he was on a plane. He enjoyed watching other people and the happenings around him. Here are some pictures during our time in North Carolina! We all had a fun time!

Looking at Christmas Lights.
Family Picture
Aunt Elizabeth feeding John his applesauce
Uncle Charly making John a Panthers fan
Meema spent Christmas Eve with us and got to meet John for the first time

Movie on Christmas Eve
John likes his stocking
Liking swimming lessons with Bubba
Saying "see you later" to Mimi
4 Generations
Grandkids and Great Grandkids with Meema

Our third Christmas was spent on New Years day with the Gentrys. John was a pro at opening presents at this point. He knew exactly what to do with the wrapping paper and it!

John and Landry (second cousins) riding in John's new wagon
Opening presents
Playing with Grandma
Likes his present ... or at least the wrapping
Having fun with Mema and Bill
The grandkids and great grandkids with Mema, Bill, and Aunt Lynda
John playing with Great Grandma (Nana) and Great Grandpa
We feel extremely blessed with all the family and friends we have around us, that love on us and love on John. It was a lot of fun watching John enjoy his first Christmas. We thank Christ for a wonderful 2012 and look forward to what God has in store for us in 2013. 

Happy New Year

New Years Eve